Struggling couples and families need God’s hope and love right now and in the year ahead

For many couples the last few years have been especially difficult. Those who were trying to “keep it together” have now lost the ability to keep pretending. As a result, quite a few are considering separation or divorce, a decision that impacts children, their extended family and the community around them. The ripple effect of a strained marriage relationship is one that too many families have experienced or are experiencing right now.

Every day we hear from couples and families who need help and guidance to deal with the difficulties they are facing. Focus on the Family Canada exists to help couples and families navigate whatever situation they encounter and point them to Jesus who is the hope of the world.

Will you make a special year end donation to make sure each couple or family looking for support in 2023 is able to access relevant and biblically based help?

Right now, your donation can have twice the impact! A few friends of the ministry have agreed to match donations made by December 31 – up to $138,000.

With your donation husbands and wives who feel all is lost will be able to find proven help at a Hope Restored marriage intensive retreat. Families who are feeling the effect of strained marriages will be given practical communication and conflict resolution tools to work through their struggles. And for those needing personalized care, our counselling team is available to speak with them over the phone for a free one-on-one phone consultation. Without your support, none of this would be possible.

Will you donate right now so every couple and family looking for help now and in 2023 can be provided with the practical, biblically based help they need? Every dollar will make a difference and be doubled – up to $138,000.

Your support will ensure families are given help when they need it most! Thank you for being a part of this important work to strengthen families with God’s hope for their situation.

Yes, I want to give struggling couples and families the biblically based support they need for the challenges they’re facing! Here’s my special year end donation: